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Hi there again Danielle! Here is the gameplay review video you asked! I hope this helps you out. I see that you are doing well with making more new games! All the best.

  • In case you didn’t notice in the video, the text is almost been cut at bottom in some areas on the game! I couldn’t read it all the way down sometimes.
  • The graphics are so simple and that is probably your style here but I am not a fan of those unfortunately!
  • These kinds of games require some sound effects while playing or at least background music. Otherwise, it will be just reading a book literally!
  • I was hoping for a save system so I can resume the game if I ever needed to go for any personal reason! I see that there are chapters to choose from, which is nice.

Overall, the story is interesting but you really might take a look at some points above! It will help you make better visual novel games in the future.


Hello Zakaria,

Thank you for the game play video and the points you mentioned.  Also, I'm glad to hear you think the story's interesting. 

In regards to the text being cut off at the bottom, in different areas there's a scrollbar so you can read the rest of the text.  It sounds like I need to change that, though, and just make it so all the text is on screen.

 In regards to music, I've been thinking about adding it.  I just haven't gotten around to making the music for the different areas, though. 

In regards to a save system, I've looked into how to make one and I'm still not totally sure how to do that in Godot.  

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

I really wish that this would help you in making better visual novel games in the future!

I think using Renpy to make this type of games is better. But good job using Godot.

Edit: Those deleted post up are mine and it was just this post being repeated cause of an internet problem I had. Sorry!